Noisy Knees
Sometimes joints make noises. It often doesn’t mean any more than that!
What is crepitus?
Crepitus is the palpable or audible grating, cracking, or popping sound in and/or around a joint that is produced by motion.
Should I worry about it?
Nope. It may be associated with arthritis, but it also occurs in healthy knees without any damage.
Is Exercise Safe?
Absolutely! Whether you exercise or not, you’ll still hear noises. Engage in exercise that you enjoy.
Is there a best type of exercise?
Some people may opt for low intensity/impact exercise if it produces less creaks in the knees. This may be cycling or swimming. Others might pick strengthening exercises to build up the muscles around the knee.
Can it be fixed?
A better question is: does it need fixing? Unless you’re suffering with severe pain and noisy knees. Then it doesn’t need anything other than appropriately dosed exercise.