Plantar Fascia Pain

First let’s talk about terminology.

Plantar fasciitis, with ‘itis’ meaning inflammation is now an outdated term. A more accurate name for this condition would be plantar heel pain or plantar fasciopathy. There is more to this condition than just inflammation, therefore rest alone is not recommended.

What are the symptoms of plantar heel pain?

Most commonly pain is felt in the heel or arch of the foot. Usually, it is most painful with the first few steps in the morning or after walking again after a prolonged period of rest. Pain can increase after walking long distances, and the foot can be more painful when walking barefoot.

What causes plantar heel pain?

Most of the time, it develops due to a change in load. This could be from a recent increase in activity that was too fast for the body to adapt to or an increase in body mass.

How to manage plantar heel pain.

Load management is key. If this is not addressed, it is likely the pain will continue to worsen. See a physiotherapist and work together to develop a load management and strengthening plan. For short term relief of pain, stretching the arch of the foot and the back of the leg or rolling the foot over a frozen water bottle may help.


Posture and Pain


Dry Needling